Wednesday Afternoon, 3/23, Criminal Law and Death Penalty - Gia Sood

 On our third day of studying Criminal Law and the Death Penalty, we came back from a nice lunch ready to learn more. We started off by getting into groups and preparing presentations on topics that we learned from the day before from our guest speaker. These topics include the difference between state and federal court, misdemeanors and felonies, double jeopardy, and many other topics. My group and I studied the stages in a criminal case. When the time came to present to the class, we all started realizing that each of the topics the groups had studied correlated to one another. All topics were lining up in a certain order, so it was nice to see everything come together to create a solid understanding of criminal law. For these presentations, we also made posters and made the topics we were studying fun to look at by drawing illustrations and creating structures that were interesting and easy to understand. Once all of the presentations were complete, we all took a little break to relax. When we came back, it was time to return to the podcast we had been listening to for the past couple of days. This podcast, In The Dark, is a very interesting podcast that we had been listening to about the case of Curtis Flowers, and today we listened to episode 3, learning about what kind of gun was involved in the case. This podcast is very interesting to listen to and follow along on because when we finish listening to a podcast, we all discuss what parts of the podcast relate to the things we are studying. For example, we find that some things in the podcast relate to double jeopardy, false evidence and misrepresentation, and racial bias. Once we were done listening to the podcast, it was time to go home, where we could then prepare for our Curtis Flowers discussion the next morning.



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