Criminal Law and Death Penalty Day 5

Criminal Law and Death Penalty Day 5 

By: Camila, Frederika, and Shyla 

Criminal Law and Death Penalty Day 5 

By: Camila, Frederika, and Shyla 

On day 5 of criminal law and death penalty we started off with catching up on blogs and other assignments. Once we finished catching up on blogs we listened to episode 5 of “In the Dark '' which was about Odell Hallmon and his role in the Curtis Flowers case. 

Once we finished listening to the podcast we walked to the Cobos Law Firm where we presented on different issues in the criminal law system. Dr. Cobos brought some snacks for us to enjoy while each group presented. The first group made a poster board to share their findings on human trafficking and how it relates to law. The second group presented the issues of the juvenile justice system using a slide show. The third group presented on artificial intelligence and how that plays a role in criminal cases and used a slide show. The fourth group made a short video illustrating the impact of cyber bullying based on a true story about a girl who was catfished. The fifth group used a slide show to show how policing in schools affects the juvenile justice system. 

After we had a break for lunch we watched a short video explaining plea bargaining in America. We also read a couple articles going deeper into the issue. What we learned is that plea bargaining is agreeing to plead guilty to minimize your sentence and also prevents you from having to go on trial. Many people choose to plead guilty to avoid getting a worse sentence but they lose the opportunity to get a fair trial 

In the afternoon we had a guest speaker named Charles Rotramel who was the CEO of a nonprofit in Houston called ReVision that focuses on justice reform, especifically on juvenile offenders. He gave us a lot of insight on the juvenile justice system and how ReVision helps youth who are more susceptible to becoming targets for arrest. 


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