Criminal law and the Death Penalty A-Term Day 2 - Rachel Baker

  On the 1st day of our Criminal Law and the Death Penalty A Term, we covered multiple broad topics

to give us a bit of background on US Government as a precursor to our lessons over the next couple


To kick off the day, we organized ourselves into groups to determine responsibilities for blog-writing, photo-taking, and editing. 

Andrew Cobos gives a presentation to the group.

Once we sorted that out, we spent the rest of the day covering various topics related to US Government Systems and the Constitutional documents that helped establish them. After lunch, Andrew Cobos, a local lawyer, gave a Constitutional Law Presentation and Q&A. We all learned a lot about the historical relevance and importance of the Constitution, and its influence over modern law today. It was very educational, and we enjoyed being able to ask questions about our own interests on the topic.

At the end of the day, we split off again to watch a few Brain Pop videos further explaining how the United States judicial system runs. We covered the basics of criminal, civil, and public law, and the hierarchy of the courts based on the significance or constitutional problems surrounding a given case. It was a fun way to wrap up the day and clear up any remaining confusion we had about the basic function of the American Government branches.

All and all, we had a great 1st day at A Term, and plenty of us are excited about what lessons we’ll be having soon!

Rachel Baker


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